Of note:

On Friday Oct 14, 2011 we lost our dear Lilly. Lilly was my parents yellow lab and Abby's mentor. She lived an amazing 12 years and had a life any one of us humans would be jealous of. She basically spent her days either wandering the beach, the massive fields, begging, or sleeping on whatever surface suited her at the time. True to Huling form, she was spoiled rotten. She was a wonderful companion to my parents and her sister, Maddie and will be greatly missed.
On to better things:
On Thursday October 13, Hailey had her 4 month check up. She is HEALTHY! Couldn't be more so. She weighed in at 15lbs, and is 26.5 inches long. Her weight puts her in the 95%, and her length is "way off the charts." She is truly taking after her brother in all aspects. She has been happier and happier every day! All she wants is to be talked to, watch her brother, and laugh.
She's getting really good at tummy time and is rolling both ways now. Ben at this age just SCREAMED when we put him on his tummy!
Eating: ALL THE TIME. Hence her size.
Sleep: We have some good nights and I really appreciate those. But she still likes to eat all night. I'm up 1-2 times a night most of the time, sometimes 3. Then there's maybe one night a week she makes it from like 8pm to about 6am and those are GREAT!
I can't believe he's almost 3! He's still recovering from a long weekend with his Grandma and Grandpa Bishop! We did the zoo, we did the pumpkin patch, we shopped, we did it all! He was exhausted! Took a 3 hour nap yesterday. He was so excited when they were here he didn't even want to nap! Ben not wanting to nap is highly unusual.
Potty training: an ongoing battle that I WILL WIN! He's doing better and we're still problem solving through ways to get him to go. He's still rarely initiating it, but if we get him in there he does ok. When we're home and not too busy I put underwear on him and he does well. Pull ups don't phase him, or help "train" him at all. Pull ups being wet just don't bother him and they're more expensive, so I'm not too thrilled with them.
Ok, off to pack for a fall weekend at the cottage with Aunt Lenore, Meghan, Morgan, and Blake!
This one's going in a frame! The whole family at Lincoln Park Zoo! Ben could no longer stand under his own power. None of us really could but we made it back to the car!
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