Sep 5, 2011

Month of the Blog - Ben and the Sea

Another day in the Month of the Blog!

In the middle of August, we decided to trek with our family (minus one dog) down to Virginia to see the family. After a whirlwind week, we have way too many videos and pictures to put into one blog. So I've decided to give you a little bit at a time.

Ben is a beach boy. He loves the water and sand - maybe a little too much. But that is a conversation for another day... He runs around with both of his arms out (airplane style) and yells that he's SURFIN'!

This wasn't the last attempt either - well, maybe the last in that deep of water.

Sandbridge Beach rocks!

1 comment:

  1. My little son loves the water and sand as well. He can spend hours playing with the water.


Hailey Slideshow

Slideshow for you!